
While the configuration system has been built to allow for future extending a simple INI style configuration is shipped and shown in examples.

INI Sections

There are three required sections:

  • plugin: The user data sources.
  • output: Where the resulting data flows out from.
  • authoritative: A special user data source that acts as the source of truth.

Each uses the same format and expects a list of module = class like so:

my.plugin.module = PluginClass
another.plugin.module = AnotherClass

Each module = class is configured with its own section using the the module as the section name. This section takes key = value pairs which will be passed to a plugin’s __init__. For instance, to configure my.plugin.module = PluginClass above:

username = user
domain =
# ...


The authoritative section specifies the single authoritative data source. There is no support for multiple sources of truth.

And there is also two optional sections:

  • ignored_users: username as key (values ignored)
admin_account =
ignorethisonetoo =
# ...
  • equate_users: username is an alias for another username
thisguy = realuser
# ...

INI Extras

Python’s ConfigParser doesn’t support accepting lists. To get around this the INI plugin accepts comma seperated items and parses them to a list.

# ...
smtpto =,
# Parses to ['', '']

INI Example

Check out this simple example for a complete config using the test plugins.